February 2, 2012

Keep Away From These Four Foods If You Have Yeast Infections

We've all heard the saying "You are what you eat," and that's pretty much true. It's also true that many foods today are responsible for a lot of the illnesses we suffer from. Especially in the case of yeast infections.

That's not to say that eating yeast will necessarily give you a yeast infection. Yeast is a naturally occurring organism that is nearby us all all the time, most of the time causing us no problems, as long we don't allow our bodies to get out of balance.

Having said that, there a few foods that we should reconsider restricting, if not cutting out altogether, if we have problems with yeast infections. Especially if they are recurrent and prone to be chronic. Here are four foods that you actually should keep away from.

Sugar - Ok we are actually talking about processed, refined sugar here. Many foods have natural sugars in them, and some foods are converted to natural sugars by the body in a natural process. Our bodies need a obvious amount of these natural sugars to function properly, but yeast thrives on sugar. If we feed ourselves unnaturally large amounts of refined sugar the excess will do nothing more than feed our yeast infection.

Check labels on foodstuffs before purchasing and avoid whatever with added sugar. Even yoghurt, which many citizen are aware is beneficial when treating yeast infections, will often include added sugar. Make sure it's the natural, unsweetened type.

Processed foods - these in normal are bad for you, and not just when you have a yeast infection. Some of the additives in modern processed foods are dinky short of poison, and have no nutritional value whatsoever. They are just there to improve shelf life, and by doing so, increase profits. Try not to include processed foods in your diet, and eat lots of raw food wherever possible. Abundance of vegetables and fruit. Just watch the fruit intake. Natural sugar I know, but don't overdo it.

Pasta - a very popular food, any way if you are prone to yeast infections it should be avoided. Most pasta is made using refined flour. Many citizen these days have an intolerance to this and it can cause other problems also, especially allergies.

Finally mushrooms - of policy mushrooms are a fungus, and yeast is also a fungus. The yeast infection Candida Albicans is a fungal infection. So we can see that it makes sense to exclude mushrooms from our diet.

Of policy there are other foods that it is best to avoid, but to keep things simple, if you just start by excluding these four you will start to see the benefits in a fairly short time. Just try it, you'll be glad you did.

Keep Away From These Four Foods If You Have Yeast Infections

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